24 Hours
Deep In My Heart
Hluboko v mém srdci

I don´t care what people say - I don´t take it too much to heart.
Every night and every day a secret wish is to find a good love. No
matter where you are - No matter what you baby do. I´ll be right by your
side- secret wish is to be with you. You can do what you want to do -
Everybody wants to dream your dreams. I hope that your dreams can true -
Mystery of heart, what does it mean?
ref.: Deep in my heart, I find a
new love, I find my dreams, I find my life. Deep in my soul, I lose
control, babe when I fall, I feel so alone / so alone/. Deep in my
heart, I find new stars - they shining bright, they bring us light / yes
it´s a true/
I don´t care what people say - I don´t take it too much to heart I don´t know - I can´t explain. Everybody needs some second chance I feel right - I cannot wait - I have to find some real friends. You can do what you want to do - Everybody wants to dream your dreams. I hope that your dreams can true - Mystery of heart, what does it mean
Let´s Do It Again
Udělejme to znovu

Let´s do it again, Let´s do it again tonight. Let´s do it again, baby just hold me tight.
I wanna stay with you - I wanna play with
you. I know from my heart. I don´t know what to do. baby I´m loving you -
you are my star. Loved you more than words can say - baby I missing
you. Please just let me, let me say: Let´s do it again.
ref.: Let´s do it again, Let´s do it again tonight / be my lover/. Let´s do it again, baby just hold me tight / my sexy lover/ Let´s do it again, Let´s do it again my love / be my lover/. Let´s do it again Love is in stars above.
It hurts me more and more - baby I´m waiting for - waiting for your call. I´m lonely without you - baby I cry for you - cry every night. Loved you more than words can say..
So Lonely
Tak osamělá

I cannot breathe, I cannot sleep - cos´ you´re not here. I cannot
hide my feelings wild - I have to cry I´m not strong enough world, it
seems so tough. I feel it now - Nobody knows how much it hurts inside
of me.
Baby - nobody can help me - nobody can save me - cos´ I
feel so lonely - My father was one and only.
Stay, for a minute
stay - I loved you more then words can say. You left me here, it´s
really real - I cannot feel. It´s hard to be alone everything is wrong
without my hope. Pain is around me I cannot live - oh can´t you see?
.... I never told you daddy how much I loved you.
24 Hours
24 hodin

I tell you once - I tell you twice. This love is not a sacriface - I´ll be there - so call me anytime. I don´t know what is wrong - I don´t know what is right. Nothing gonna stop me babe tonight...
ref.: 24
hours - 24 hours - 24 hours - I´m waiting just for you. 24 hours - 24
hours - 24 hours - I think about your love
I tell you once - I tell you twice - tell me a true. don´t tell me lies Baby don´t let the good times fade away. I cannot sleep without you - I cannot breathe. I´ll die for you - What can I do when I´m missing you
Do You Wanna?

I wanna be a mystery - I wanna be everything you will see. I will be a
girl for you - Only with you - oh so don´t feel so blue. So baby don´t
be shy and never ask me why. Why can´t I live without your love. why
can´t I sleep when you are next to me. Oh my love my love
you wanna be my baby - I will be your pretty lady. Do you wanna be my
boy - I will be your lucky toy. Do you want to play with my body - want
to do it everybody. Do you want to be my lover - Oh my love will takes
you higher. Do you wanna be my baby - I will be your pretty lady. Do
you wanna be my boy I will be your lucky toy.
I wanna be a lucky star - shining star on the blue-darkness sky. Remember what we do - in hundred years it will be history. Something going on - nobody be alone - I wanna be more than your friend. Don´t wanna go - I wanna stand with you tonight
Fire In The Rain
Oheň v dešti

Endless fights - no solotion - no way out - no illusions. It´s seems we have problems - It´s seems we have troubles. Every night and every day for your love I have to pray. It´s no good, good enough in cold winter is your heart. Sky so dark - sun doesn´t shine - oh tell your dreams. I tell you mine. It´s rainy day in my heart - tell me now when we can start.
ref.: We can´t build the fire in the rain - all we need
is time and love again. We can´t build the fire in the rain - all we
need is one more try again. Sky so dark - sun doesn´t shine - tell your
dreams - I tell you mine.
You can be - be my friend - you say no - in the end. You can be be my lover - you don´t want to hear about it. Feelings come feelings go - everybody need to know. Love is a dream - love is a fire - who will take us higher and higher. Sky so dark - sun doesn´t shine - oh tell your dreams. I tell you mine. It´s rainy day in my heart tell me now - when we can start.

intro: I stand here alone and you are gone. You leave me without say
goodbye - And you don´t know why I have to cry. But I know nothing last
World has changed - only for me babe - Everything it´s
seems it´s too late. Left me here - without say goodbye - Please come
back. Give me one more try. Every day for your love I pray...
Stay - one more night please stay - I want to say - come back to me.
Stay - stay with me tonight - Hold my body tight. Love heal my pain.
Let´s try again - give me one more try. Don´t ask me why - give me one
more try.
I don´t want to lose touch with you - Don´t do that - Don´t make me so blue. All those years - we spent together - Now I feel nothing last forever. Every day for your love I pray...
Big Big Brother
Velký bráška

Game I wanna play with you - game I don´t know name, it´s a true. I
can love you - I can hold you - I can feel you - I can touch you. You
can hurt me - you can hate me - you can save me. it´s a game for me and
ref.: Be my big big brother - I will be your sister - it´s a game
I wanna play. Big big brother - I´m your little sister - it´s a game
I´m playing again. Be my brother - big big brother - there is another
Friends just can be friends, I know. Stay, I never let you go - I can love you - I can feel you. You can hurt me - you can save me it´s a game for me and you
Back To You
Zpátky k Tobě

You packed your things - you say good bye - you leave me alone.And I know and you know my heart is not a stone. Don´t break my heart - break resistance just to me. Oh I give you everything you will see. Gimme, gimme what I really need - Gimme, gimme what I really want. Gimme, gimme what I never had - Gimme, gimme love - it´s more than drug
ref.: Baby baby I just wanna back to you - All I wanna do is just to
be with you - Baby baby babe I wanna talk to you - kiss you, hold you,
touch you and I love you too - I miss you so, so never let me go - back
to your heart - gimme one more try. intro: Nothing really last forever
- now I know bad times come and good times really go.
I can´t get you out of my mind - oh yes it´s a true. You´re gone, I miss you, oh I feel so blue. I hope that good times will come to me again. and my sorrow and my pain will fade away. Gimme, gimme what I really need - Gimme, gimme what I really want Gimme, gimme what I never had - Gimme, gimme love - it´s more than drug.
When Eagles fly
Když orlové lítají

When eagles fly - fly so high - love will always die. Nobody cares about me - about another life. Eagles fly up to sky - they know reason why in silence of blue clouds - in the dark of night. Eagles know what to do, when troubles are here - they know every solution. They fly against the stream. Eagles fly over a sea - flying higher and higher. it looks like a mystery eagles in the sky. Do you wanna - really wanna fly with them tonight. I can give you wings of eagles - is wrong or is it right ?
ref.: When eagles fly - when eagles fly so high - so love
is nowhere and every dreams will die. When eagles fly - when eagles fly
so high - nobody cares about another life.
Eagles wait for their chance - how to get to you. They will bring you a new romance. Baby it´s a true. Eagles spread their own wings - eagles want to fly -please don´t let them fly away keep them on your sky. I bealive in a blue sky - I bealive in you. I know place where eagles fly - It´s a land just for two. Do you wanna - really wanna fly with them tonight. I can give you wings of eagles is it wrong or is it right?
Why Did You Smile
Proč jsi se usmál

I´m so lonely girl, you know - and I know my heart is like a stone.
But I think you change my life tonight - always be my star in a darkness
sky. And I feel you are my bodyguard remember when I saw you in the
park. Love is a mystery - oh boy can´t you see - love is a real.
Why did you smile to me - I falled in love - baby can´t you see ? Why
did you do it boy - why did you smile to me, my love ? Stay, please stay
- I need you maybe everyday. Flames of love - I feel it in my heart
It´s like a dream and I want to dream forever. We are walking hand in hand. Love is a mystery - oh boy can´t you see - love is a real.
Here I Am
Tady jsem

Love is such a mystery - It´s hard for you and me. I know we change
the world tonight - I´ll be by your side. So don´t feel blue I´m
coming to you.
ref.: Here I am - you never let me go. Here I stand -
It´s hard to be alone. Love come easy - but I think love can easy go.
Everybody need some love - that´s what I really know. Here I am and Here
I stand - I wait for you - my eyes are blue.
Love is more than fantasy - we need it here oh can´t you see. Oh don´t - don´t let it go away - all I have to say : take love, don´t wait. It´s never too late...